Monday, January 26, 2009

Okay, I totally lied

I said I would post new photos from my fancy new camera (just received a couple weeks ago), and instead started posting old photos taken from older, less fancy cameras back in the fall of 2008. It felt like the right thing to do when I started, but now it's feeling a bit overwhelming and moronic and useless. But I've started, so I should at least try to finish. I still have a little more catching up to do, and I have no idea what I'm doing, and the photos take forever to load, and I can only do it from our Mac at home where all the photos live, so bear with me as I struggle through.
Good things today are that it's Sarah's birthday, none of the Chinese New Year firecrackers that exploded throughout our neighborhood last night burned down our house or permanently scarred our cat, this country's energy policy has been completely turned on its head in a good way, and Sage agrees with my desire to have In-n-Out for dinner tonight. It's nice to have things to look forward to on Monday morning.
Oh, and not only is it Australia Day today, but my parents are celebrating (without even knowing it) by booking their very own trip to Australia and New Zealand. How very timely of them.


1 comment:

sarah said...

Ah--see! Here is physical, published proof that I should read your blog more often. Had I been keeping up with my virtual subscription to s&em I would have seen that I was named in a birthday shout-out. So fabulous! Thank you. This does indeed call me out on not reading often enough. I stand corrected.

p.s. I like to look at your photos no matter with which camera you took them.